UPDATES: Cheshire East Council - Poynton Pool Spillway Improvements

Published: 21 January 2025


Bathymetric Survey Update
Poynton Pool – Cheshire East have now published the Bathymetric Survey and Section 10 and 12 inspection reports. These can be found on the Cheshire East Council website https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/.../poynton-pool-spillway...
The Town Council is encouraged that the Inspecting Engineer has requested that the flood study is reviewed, and if necessary, redone taking into account the new data available for the Pool.
The Town Council continues to work with Friends of Poynton Pool to try to secure less harmful improvements to the dam embankment. We have called upon Cheshire East to withdraw the current planning application hope we that a meeting of technical experts will be arranged shortly.



On the 24th of April, Cheshire East’s Strategic Planning Board agreed to defer the Poynton Pool Planning application

1.   In order to consider and update where necessary any inaccuracies in the submitted data to ensure modelling is accurate.

2.    To review the current condition and risks associated with the existing dam wall, and the impact caused by removal of trees on the dam.

3.    Encourage engagement with third parties to consider / explain alternatives.

4.    To instigate a further independent view, if necessary.

5.    To review the location of the proposed mitigation and consideration of any alternatives

The recording of the meeting can be found at https://moderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ecminutes/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=279&MId=9886&Ver=4

Following the meeting the Town Council was asked to provide a list of inaccuracies including evidence why the Town Council believed information was inaccurate. In response the Town Council provided the following information to Cheshire East Council. You can read the document here



You can view the response here




You can now view the Town Council's draft response to the proposed plans for works on the dam embankment at Poynton Pool here



At the Planning & Environment Committee meeting last night, Poynton Town Council voted unanimously to object to the proposed plans for works on the planned dam embankment works.
Their formal response is being finalised and will be issued after approval at the end of the week. In the meantime, we were asked to publish our draft response to help residents formulate their own objections using planning policy references. You can view this here.
Please also see Friends of Poynton Pool page and website, which includes a plethora of information to help you write your objections. Please ask all members of your household, friends an neighbours to object and ask for a delay in the decision so alternative, less intrusive methods can be investigated.
The proposed removal of low points along approximately 480m of the Poynton Pool dam embankment and slightly raising the level of crest to increase the flood resilience of the reservoir. A kerb alongside an enhanced footpath will create the crest level and the works will also include the creation of two 40m wide clearings, to further increase flood resilience.
You can view details and make your voice heard here. The last date for submitting comments is 27th December 2023. https://planning.cheshireeast.gov.uk/applicationdetails.aspx?pr=23/4152M&query=8635f161-b7b2-4392-9d53-01d9596bb526
In conjunction with the main application for Poynton Pool, Cheshire East have a secondary application for tree planting to mitigate the loss of trees. Details of this application can be found here. Please make any comments for this application before Sunday 3rd December.
Poynton Town Council have recently instructed an independent reservoir engineer to provide an opinion on the Spillway Improvements proposed by Cheshire East.
The Engineer visited the site and met with representatives from the Town Council, Friends of Poynton Pool and the Flood Working Group and provided an initial report to the Town Council.
Following receipt of the inspection reports and options papers from Cheshire East for the Pool we have now asked the Engineer to review these additional documents and provide a further opinion on the proposed works. 
Poynton Town Council Summary of Independent Engineer Report 
Tree Valuation Report




11th December 2023

HAVE YOUR SAY on the spillway improvements





The Town Council has been notified that Cheshire East Council are planning to carry out safety improvements works to Poynton Pool.

See details of the proposal here. 

View Cheshire East's responses to the questions asked at the public forum on 17th October 2022 on the Spillway Improvement Consultation 

Please click here to read Poynton Town Council's response to the consultation.

View Poynton Town Council’s response to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Poynton Pool reservoir flood resilience improvement scheme.




The following information has been provided be Cheshire East Council in response to Freedom of Information requests.

01. Poynton Lake Section 10 report 2005_Redacted (1)

02. Poynton Final Section 10 Report August 2016 Rev A_Redacted

03. Poynton Final 10(6) Certificate issue C_Redacted

04. Poynton Lake Bat Surveys Report_FINAL_combined_Redacted

05. Poynton Lake PEA Report_FINAL combined_Redacted

06. Poynton Tree Survey Report_ISSUE_Redacted

07. Poynton Tree Plan 1 with numbers_Redacted 14.11

08. Poynton Tree Plan 2 with numbers_Redacted14.11

09. BRJ10627_TOPO_3D_001_Sheet 1_Redacted

10. BRJ10627_TOPO_3D_001_Sheet 2_Redacted

11. BRJ10627_TOPO_3D_001_Sheet 3_Redacted

12. BRJ10627_TOPO_3D_001_Sheet 4_Redacted

13. BRJ10627_TOPO_3D_001_Sheet 5_Redacted

14. BRJ10627 -J470-DOC-001-02 Poynton spillway (Final)_C_Redacted 14.11

15. BRJ10627-J470-DOC-002-01 Spillway 3C Supplement_issue_Redacted 14.11

16. Poynton_FloodStudy_D02_Redacted (1) 

17. Supervising Engineer's Report 2019

18. Supervising Engineer's Report 2020

19. Supervising Engineer's Report 2021

20. Supervising Engineer's Report 2022 


13th December 2022

View the following documents below.  

Report from JBA Consulting, Independent Reservoir Engineers instructed by the Town Council 


31st January 2023 

Poynton Town Council Commissioned Tree Survey

The Town Council have commissioned their own tree survey in relation to the Cheshire East Council Poynton Pool Spillway Improvement proposal. The survey was carried out before Christmas and now the report can be viewed here.

Poynton Pool Tree Survey

The Town Council continue to work closely with ‘Friends of Poynton Pool’ in relation to this proposal.


8th Feb 2023

Read the Friends of Poynton Pool Press Release here. 


5th May 2023


Cheshire East Council have now made a decision on the Environment Impact Screening Assessment. The details of the decision can be found here:



7th June 2023 


Spokespeople from the Town Council and Friends of Poynton Pool made representations to the Cheshire East Economy and Growth Committee on the 6th June. We raised a number of concerns and asked detailed questions regarding the basis for the proposals. The questions raised can be found here. We hope that officers from Cheshire East will now respond to these detailed technical questions and agree to carry out further investigations.
