
Like many other places in the UK, Poynton has experienced flooding. During the flood event in 2019, one in every 200 homes experienced some kind of flooding so it’s important for residents to understand the level of flood risk their home might experience and the type of flooding that might occur.

Poynton Town Council have produced two helpful documents relating to flooding.

Short Newsletter  -  Poynton Update and News - 'Flooding. how to prepare and what action to take in the event of a flood.’
This shorter newsletter provides comprehensive information about how flooding occurs in Poynton, how to build resilience against flooding ahead of a flood event and signposts you to other useful resources. It also offers information on how to familiarise yourself with flood and weather warnings so you can take action at the right time, indicates what you can do to help to reduce the likelihood of flooding and what action to take if you are unfortunate to experience flooding.             
Long Newsletter   -   Poynton Update and News - 'Flooding. Be Flood Aware. Prepare. Prevent. Protect.’             
This longer newsletter, provides information about flood and weather warnings, how to report a flood and what action to take to keep you and your family safe in the event of a flood.

Other information

The Environment Agency have published an update on flood mitigation works that have been carried out in the Town. The newsletters can be found here.

Flood Investigation

Cheshire East as the Lead Local Flood Authority have investigated the flooding in both 2016 and 2019. The reports of their findings are located here.

Poynton's Volunteer Flood Wardens

On the 3rd of November 2021, Poynton Town Council organised training for a new team of Volunteer Flood Wardens for Poynton. The Flood Warden Scheme was set up in response to the significant flooding which the town has experienced over recent years.

Flood Wardens are the community’s eyes and ears on the ground, who are able to report problems, support residents with advice and information and raise awareness about flooding in general.

The Flood Wardens will also support and work with the Town Council around flooding by getting involved with flood prevention initiatives and liaising with flood authorities.