
Poynton Town Council recognise that some residents are keen to give something back to their community. Volunteering can improve self esteem, offer invaluable skills and experience and makes a positive difference in peoples' lives. Opportunities in the town are periodically offered by local groups and organisations.

The most recent opportunities are listed below. Please contact the individual groups/organisations directly if you are interested in helping.

If you run a local group or organisation and would like to advertise a local volunteering opportunity, we can help you spread the word. Please complete the simple form at the bottom of the page, giving details of the opportunity on offer.


Current Volunteer Opportunities

Dementia Disco CIO

Venue Based Disco Volunteer Role

We would love you to come and volunteer at one of our fabulous discos. We are opening one in Poynton on 5th April 2025. It will be held on the first Saturday of every month. Here are the details:

Qualities of the role



Likes meeting new people

Positive, pro-active attitude

A love of music and dancing

A desire to help support your local community


Responsibilities of the role

Get the Dementia Disco playlist playing through the speakers (Spotify access will be provided)

Meet and greet people as they come in

Hand out name badges, create badges for any new people

Help people to find a seat

Encourage people to make song requests

Encourage people to dance, if they are able

Sell raffle tickets

Let people know food is ready

Run the raffle

Make announcements about Dementia Disco news and upcoming events

Help tidy up at the end of the disco 


Mobile Disco Volunteer Role

A mobile disco is a Dementia Disco held in a care home. These discos are for people who are unable to attend a venue-based disco and therefore we bring the disco to them!

Qualities of the role



Likes meeting new people

Positive, pro-active attitude

A love of music and dancing

A desire to help support your local care home community


Responsibilities of the role

Introduce yourself and tell them where you are from and why you are here

Follow a script provided and select the songs listed from Spotify (access will be provided)

Encourage people to make song requests

Encourage people to dance, if they are able

For more information, visit our website and Facebook page:




East Cheshire Hospice

Dementia Carers Wellbeing Programme Volunteer

Are you a carer for someone living with dementia? East Cheshire Hospice’s Dementia Carers eight-week Wellbeing Programme is starting in May at Poynton Civic Hall.

The course is open to carers of people experiencing dementia and runs for eight weeks. The programme supports carers by developing resilience, knowledge, skills and confidence as well as enhancing coping strategies, developing new ones, sharing experiences, having some respite and gaining peer support from others in similar circumstances.

You can bring the person with dementia and Dementia buddies will take care of them whilst the carer attends the programme, relax in the knowledge they are safe and being supported.

To be eligible for the programme there are some criteria, including the carer should access a GP in East Cheshire and provides regular care support to the person experiencing dementia. Those interested can self-refer or have a professional complete a referral form.

For more information please telephone 01625 666990 or here’s a link to the relevant section on their website for the referral form https://www.eastcheshirehospice.org.uk/patients-families/sunflower-centre/dementia-support/


Open Hands Community Transport

Office Support Role

Working with another volunteer to communicate with drivers and clients to arrange transport for medical appointments and completing the relevant paperwork.

The office is open from 10am - 12:30pm from Monday to Friday.

Location: Poynton Community Centre (opposite the Club on Park Lane.) 

Contact: 07388848991


Volunteer Driver  

What: Open Hands drivers collect elderly and vulnerable residents of Poynton and drive them to medical appointments. This can be locally around Poynton to doctors, dentists, clinics or further a field to hospitals in the surrounding areas. We then return the client home safely.

Where: Our office is based at Poynton Community Centre opposite the Club on Park Lane.

Most of our trips are local around Poynton and to Macclesfield and Stepping Hill hospital. We also have trips to Manchester Royal, Wythenshawe Cheadle Royal. but only accept the trips where you are comfortable to drive to.

When: Open Hands ask for between 3 - 5 day notice on all appointments to give us time to locate a driver. So you can fit your time with us around your commitments. The time you give is entirely up to you whether you can commit to one or two trips a month or 2 to three a week the choice is yours. We appreciate all the help you can give.

Contact us: Please call in at the Community Centre between 10am and 12.30pm for more information and to leave your details or phone 01625 878589 and we will call you back.


Poynton in Bloom

Volunteer Gardener

Poynton in Bloom are a group of volunteers who plant and maintain a number of containers which are mostly to be found in and around the centre of Poynton, with the aim of providing additional colour to brighten up the streets of Poynton.

The bedding plants are changed twice a year in spring and autumn and in between the main tasks are to keep the containers weeded, plants deadheaded, trimmed and watered.

We also maintain some other planters on behalf of the Town Council and the task there is to weed and maintain the more permanent planting within those.

The group are currently looking for new volunteers to help the current group that we have. Even if you don’t already know a lot about gardening we can pair you up with people who do and help us with the planting and/or watering.

If you would like more information then please contact us Poyntoninbloom@talktalk.net.


Poynton Pick & Tidy

Volunteers following guidance, safely carry out litter pick activities in Poynton, with the aim of improving the environment and helping to maintain Poynton as a great place to live. 

If you are interested in volunteering for Poynton Pick and Tidy, email chris.oakes@poyntontowncouncil.gov.uk and follow the Poynton Pick and Tidy Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/poyntonpickandtidy




















































Register Your Volunteer Opportunity




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