Car parking survey UPDATE
Published: 17 September 2024
UPDATE: 24.09.24
Thank you to all those who responded to the car parking survey. 75% of respondents did not want the precept (council tax) increased to subsidise free car parking at the civic hall car park.
The charges and the response from residents were discussed at the public Town Council meeting on the 23rd September 2024. The Town Council remain opposed to the introduction of car parking charges by Cheshire East Council and the
impact these might have on the Town. However, the Cheshire East Council request for £68,861 from the Town Council, increasing the precept for this item alone by over 18%, is excessive and unaffordable for residents.
Below is a reminder of the financial details and proposals from Cheshire East.
Cheshire East own the car park in the Civic Centre. They have leased part of it to Waitrose but propose to introduce charges on the rest of the car park. These will apply from 9am to 3pm all week (including Saturdays) and range from 60 pence for 1 hour to £3.40 to park all day. Cheshire East Council are also consulting on the introduction of Sunday charges.
Please read all of the information here before letting us know your views here.