An update from the Mayor

Published: 14 August 2023

I want to bring you up to date with my activities since I became mayor in May.

Firstly, I much enjoyed attending Poynton Arts Festival events last month and from my perspective, considering it was the first festival for several years, it was a definite success and can only improve as it becomes a regular happening.

I managed a visit to the Friends of Poynton Pool to confirm that I’m fully behind the residents of Poynton and surrounding areas who enjoy the natural beauty of Poynton Pool and the trees that are such an integral part of the town and want it to stay that way. I really hope that an equitable solution can be found that preserves the status-quo for everyone.

I decided that having chosen the Mary Sunley Canal Boat as my mayoral charity I should try it out and recently managed to book an evening cruise, along with a group of friends. If you haven’t been on the boat yet you must give it a try, just email booking@mary and fix a date.

I have also been busy putting together a programme of events for the coming months which will include…

The Mayors Bumper Quiz being held at the British Legion Club, Georges Road on Saturday 16th September. The quiz, which has been generously provided by courtesy of Gary the resident quizmaster, will follow his usual style.

A Fashion Show is being arranged for October, further details to follow.

Watch out for full details of these events and others currently being arranged for next year.

Enjoy for the rest of your summer, hopefully with a bit more sun than of late.
