Welcome from Mayor Patrick Bailey
Published: 23 May 2023
As your newly elected Mayor I would like to introduce myself…
I am a retired Mechanical Engineer who moved to Poynton with my wife Muriel in 1976, and have now lived here over 47 years, although I suspect some would still consider us incomers.
We have 3 children, all schooled in Poynton, now married and fortunately all still living within Cheshire, some close by and others a bit further afield. We have seven grandchildren, some still in school and others bourgeoning into their working careers.
I spent 2 terms as a Parent Governor at the High School as well as 7 years as the Chairman of its PTA, and I have been Chairman of The Royal British Legion Branch in Poynton for about the last 8 years.
I enjoy gardening and carrying out light domestic duties at home, although I don’t like to interfere too much; and just one night a week you’ll find a group of us doing exercises and scampering around the civic hall. Many, like me, have been turning up for the last 40 years and we now include 3 octogenarians and 3 more will be joining them within the next 12 months. We must be doing something right?
Being elected Mayor has provided me with an excellent opportunity to serve the local community and continue the outstanding work of my predecessor Hayley Whittaker, who sadly had to miss the first part of her tenure due to ill health.
Although it’s a new venture for me I will do my utmost to live up to the confidence voters have shown in me and represent the Town, its visitors, and its residents, to the best of my ability.
In essence, during my term as Mayor I want to represent the people that live and work in Poynton, run businesses in Poynton, are being educated in Poynton or just visit Poynton; and by doing so, give a little back to the village we so wisely chose to live in all those years ago.
Patrick Bailey.