Poynton Library consultation result
Published: 05 November 2024
Cheshire East Council who are responsible for Poynton Library have asked Poynton Town Council to fund the service on a Wednesday morning to avoid closing the library on this day. The Town Council asked residents their views, 329 responses were received. 160 responses were against raising the precept to fund the service (48.6%) and 169 wanted to fund the service 51.4% (either full or partially). The Town Council’s Finance & General Purposes Committee met on the 30th of October to discuss the result of the consultation and the financial implications of funding the library.
Whilst Cheshire East had indicated that six members of staff were required to provide the full level of service on a Wednesday morning, the usual staffing levels on a Wednesday morning comprise 4-5 members of staff. The committee in considering the financial impact considered that four members of staff could provide a good level of service for residents and agreed to fund four members of staff on a Wednesday morning at a cost of £12,238 per annum (subject to salary increases) .
The Town Council has informed Cheshire East Council and will now enter discussions in relation to the funding agreement which will be for three years.